
And she feels so despaired. Her eyes sell lies at low price and he tells her that it’s nice. That's where it stays because that's where it’s played: On the surface - for rent, never by owner. Whoever can stay long enough eventually discovers her basement, where ghosts linger and her histories are hidden. It's then, when the dust is blown off and her true color is risen.
Do they remain, or do they then leave? It becomes a burden they usually abandon.
They word it like this though, “That girl's crazy, yo.”
“She’s fine, but she’s psycho."
This is how the boys explain what they don’t understand, and they go on searching for a perfect woman, without ever becoming a man. Some run that race til they’re about forty. I wonder, do they ever grow to be men who can comfort a woman when she's hurting? If he hadn't stopped at the surface of her blue eyes, he could have seen past her disguise. And she would have known he meant it, saving her from more lies to be accepted.

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