
Be yond.

We have to do more than we imagine we can.
We have to inspire by humiliating ourselves.
We must leave our comfort to find the value in comfort.
We must show strength no matter how weak we feel.
We must remember that this is life and we are real.


Dear Universe,

You have been kind to me.
You provided me with life,
and air, and a land to roam.
You were simple and serene;
a place to love and be.
Discovering you meant discovering me
and I wish I had that courage when I first had eyes to see.
Everything you are is everything I am,
still I'm preoccupied with "who I have to be".
Passionate about tangibility,
worshipping the culture of accessory.
Loosing grip of my immortal energy,
claiming illusion to be reality.
But even worse, treating what's tempory
as though it'd last forever.