
the Run-Around

The time is spring and just as the flowers are in bloom,
my world is too.
I've changed immensely throughout the 2 years that I have been out of high school,
but for some very significant reason the change I am enduring right now is the roughest.
All of the possible "easy way outs" have vanished and I am standing at a cross roads
of either the comfort of my past or the scary unknown of my future.
Isn't it obvious that the choice I should make is my future? I mean, duh Brittny! But the past has this genius way of disguising itself with new potential.
So whenever the future breaks me down, the comfort of my past is like a breathe of fresh air.
I repeatedly take steps back.
Then when I realize I need to be strong and continue moving forward I drop the past, but only to pathetically come crawling back when the fear reappears.
It is a vicious circle and I am caught in the current.
I am so ashamed of this because I don't want to seem weak;
not to mention these tired issues are growing old amongst my friends.
You think I would learn, but sometimes I just feel so absorbed...
like I don't have ultimate control.
But I do have ultimate control, with my heart.

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