

Seating at my cold desk, unfocused and anxious to escape the weariness that these bland beige walls were exulting, Professor clearly spoke a few words that caught my interest; the interest I thought had fled my mind the moment I entered Art History class today. She was telling about the decline of the Roman Empire, an empire that reigned for hundreds of years and ultimately destroyed itself. "An overlay of order with no individuality" is what she referred to it as. Woah, for some strange reason that sparked a nerve in me that insisted I listen on.

The late emperors were all about total control and were militarized to the maximum! Everything and everyone was kept protected, tight and uniform.
What kind of society is that?! No wonder the empire came crashing down! It is impossible to restrain people of their freedom and individuality!

This might be a giant leap, but the moment she emphasized their failure was the moment it hit me that this country could possibly be heading in the same direction, excpet this time around on a more subliminal level.
I mean, isn't it funny how the media can persuade just about anyone to do just about anything? We've seen them praise a certain look, or scrutinize a certain trend, and without question, the majority of our peers follow their lead.
What do you think they are doing to us? They are taking away our uniqueness; those qualities that make us exceptional are criticized everyday and the sad truth is that many of us allow them to pick us apart and put us back together their way.

You might not agree, but then again you might not understand me. Society has become such a complex set of rules, it's almost impossible to just be because there is always something being expected from you.
Subtle, but an overlay of order to be exact.

Question those who represent you, dare to be different and step out of those boxes that conformists insist you remain in. This is your life not theirs... the moment you realize that, will be the moment we gain an advantage.
Because right about now they are winning. And we saw what happenend in Rome when the greedy rulers won... everybody ultimately lost.


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