
Figure 8.

Don't underestimate me.
Even if it's something you can't see,
It does not mean it can never be.

I proved you wrong once before,
And if you act like this
I'll have to prove you wrong once more.

Why do you keep me leveled with the floor?
If it's me that you adore,
Wouldn't you want to see me soar?
See me in the round;
Pick me up from off the ground.

I'm starting to notice you keep me
here for your sanity.
Because if you allow me to shine,
My light will leave you blind.

You are afraid to want me
Because then you'll realize you need me.
And your insecurities keep telling you
That you can't feed me the love
You believe I deserve.

But that's asking for something I haven't earned.
Because you're not the only one who still has
A lot in love to learn.


  1. It's a part of growing up homes...

  2. wow, I don't think I ever read this one....but I LOVE it!
