I can see the moon,
all of it's craters, too.
I catch Cassiopeia,
eternally in doom.
My vision stretches past
the last C-E-O,
darting through the stars,
striking galaxies mimicking ours.
Unrestrained, weightless and free,
not necessarily what we are trained to be.
I look up every night,
and occasionally take flights.
If you don't hear from me through the Fall,
please listen when I crash land and call.
No reason to be angry, darling,
I'm just enjoying myself.
Unrestrained, weightless and free,
not necessarily what we are trained to be.
Accept me as I come to you,
as I openly give me love to you.
If some part of it makes you upset,
if my trips trigger resentment,
then your mind is in imprisonment.
Because I'm unrestrained, wild and free,
not necessarily what I was trained to be.
Your problems with me
root past your memory's perspective of me.
Past your inflated ego,
and past the reality that you know.
They stab into your soul and being at heart,
revealing instincts and fears hiding in the dark.
Because you're not unrestrained, weightless and free,
you're a carbon copy of misery.